crit-i-cal mass
It starts with one. One atom that gets struck by a subatomic particle that causes a huge release of energy. A source of energy hundreds of times more powerful than gasoline.
Critical Mass takes place when that chain reaction will keep going on its own. Science's way of saying "unstoppable momentum".
NeoLife is so close to reaching critical mass. Each time someone in this family reaches out and shares NeoLife with another person, we are creating that reaction, and we're doing it with the most powerful source of energy on the planet - Human energy.
But it starts with one. Every great movement throughout history has started from a small group of people who share a common belief or idea. Together with our business partners, we are forming a critical mass of people who believe in making the world a healthier place. People who believe in nutrition and education and health and opportunity and people ..... and together we will change the world.